Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Video player

I've been working on a video player, so here is a sneak preview!
Right now there are two visual effects, blur and light. I',m planning on extend the visuals along the way.

Loading 3D animations

Check this amazing example of how to load a collada animation into Papervision 3D.
Tim Knip has made some great proggress in bone and skeleton animations.

The collada-file is around 5 megs, so please be patient whilst loading

Parsing all keyframes is rather cpu-intensive, after file is loaded yoy have to wait another 20 secs or so.... you may encounter the infamous script-timeout alert of the flash player...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The best song right now - Karen Overton

So you wanna get started with PV3D?

Blitz Ageny wrote a nice tutorial about how to get started with Papervision 3D.
The article explains the first step in exporting your 3d model and how to handle textures for collada export.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Papervision3D - Phong shading

The PV3D engine gets more and more advanced, now with Phong shading!
Check this cool exeample:

Papervision3D - Video texture!

Those guys that are working in the Papervision3D collaboration are really amazing!
Here is a really cool 3D video example of what you can do with PV3D!

The man behind this example is Paul Spitzer.

A Layman's Guide to Flash Video Conversion

From time to time most (flash)developers need to handle web-video. If you don't have the Flash IDE to convert the movie files to .FLV (flash video) you will need a thrd party software.

I have used FFMPEG for a few years and I must say that it totally rocks and there are soo many developers that are most gratefull for this FREE program.

Alx Klive, has written a great guide about converting movies to .FLV using FFMpeg.